August 2024 Social Media Round Up

Welcome to August’s social media round up; a look through some of our most engaged curated content during the last month across our social media channels. Check back next month for September’s top content or follow us on X and LinkedIn to keep up-to-date with the latest industry news. Medical Oxygen Newborns in rural Cambodia [...]

What’s driving the changing gas cylinder trends across Europe?

A notable shift is underway across Europe as more medical providers transition to using Type 3 carbon composite cylinders. James Cooper of AMS Composite Cylinders highlights the reasons behind this growing trend, emphasising the advantages these advanced cylinders offer to patients, healthcare providers and the environment. Embracing Modern Medical Technology Despite being available on the [...]

2024-08-23T10:58:44+01:00August 23rd, 2024|Carbon Composite Cylinders, Gas Cylinder Supply Chain|Comments Off on What’s driving the changing gas cylinder trends across Europe?

Gas Cylinders and the Global Supply Chain Crisis

The world is in the middle of a supply chain crisis – with companies in every sector grappling with serious challenges! In this post, we look at the roots of the crisis, how supply chain challenges are impacting on the gas cylinder industry, and what this means going forward. Global Shipping Capacity The pandemic, and [...]

2022-05-10T12:01:56+01:00May 10th, 2022|Carbon Composite Cylinders, Gas Cylinder Supply Chain, Medical Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Therapy|Comments Off on Gas Cylinders and the Global Supply Chain Crisis

A to Z of Gas Cylinder Health and Safety

If not handled, maintained and looked after in the right way, gas cylinders (and the gases inside) can be dangerous!   Compressed gases are Class 2 dangerous goods – with a number of rules and regulations in place to mitigate the associated risks. Find out more about the risks, precautions and importance of correct practice [...]

2022-05-10T11:59:10+01:00May 10th, 2022|Carbon Composite Cylinders, Gas Cylinder Supply Chain, Medical Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Therapy, Respiratory Conditions|Comments Off on A to Z of Gas Cylinder Health and Safety

Managing Medical Oxygen at Home – Important BCGA Guidelines

Thousands of people across the UK require medical oxygen treatment at home – and this number is rising every year. Respiratory conditions such as COPD are increasing, and with the coronavirus pandemic, the potential long-term impact of Covid-19 is underlying the importance of effectively managing respiratory conditions in the home with medical oxygen. Recently, AMS [...]

2021-07-21T10:35:26+01:00November 24th, 2020|Carbon Composite Cylinders, Gas Cylinder Supply Chain, Medical Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Therapy|Comments Off on Managing Medical Oxygen at Home – Important BCGA Guidelines

Cylinder Supply Chain – Raw Material Sustainability, Ethics and CSR

Whichever industry you operate in – sustainability is big news. It’s never been more important for businesses to take responsibility, and to operate in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. The world of gas cylinders is no different - and at AMS, we take our commitment to sustainability seriously. Our responsibility doesn’t end [...]

2021-07-16T15:30:38+01:00August 27th, 2019|Gas Cylinder Supply Chain|Comments Off on Cylinder Supply Chain – Raw Material Sustainability, Ethics and CSR

Carbon Fibre, the Environment and the Future of Recycling

Carbon fibre is transforming the world as we know it. Extremely light and incredibly strong, it’s being used to improve the performance and efficiency of a huge number of products and industries – from aviation, automotive and renewable energy, to sports equipment and technology. It’s also the material that enables us to create our ultra-lightweight, [...]

2021-07-16T15:50:58+01:00August 12th, 2019|Gas Cylinder Supply Chain|Comments Off on Carbon Fibre, the Environment and the Future of Recycling

Controlling the Cost of Carbon Composite Cylinders

This month, growing concerns over the instability of global commodity prices and the rising cost of aluminium is driving raw material cost increases at some of the world’s leading cylinder manufacturers. The result for many customers is an inevitable price rise. Thankfully, at AMS Composite Cylinders, we will not need to have difficult conversations with [...]

2021-07-16T16:20:41+01:00July 31st, 2018|Carbon Composite Cylinders, Gas Cylinder Supply Chain|Comments Off on Controlling the Cost of Carbon Composite Cylinders
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