Oxygen Cylinders for Hospitals & Medical Use

Medical oxygen cylinders for hospitalsMedical oxygen cylinders for healthcare customers

AMS supplies a full range of Type 1 aluminium, Type 2 hoop wrapped aluminium cylinders and Type 3 carbon composite medical oxygen cylinders designed for hospital and healthcare facility use.

From medical oxygen cylinders for therapy, anaesthesia and surgical use, to speciality gas cylinders for medical equipment calibration, we provide lightweight, high performance gas cylinders for every medical industry application.

Cylinders are fully accredited for hospital and healthcare facility use worldwide. They are available in a full range of standard and customisable sizes, in capacities from 1L up to 50L.

Our teams can work with clients to match specific design specifications.

Medical gas cylinders from AMS

In addition to medical oxygen cylinders for ambulances and hospitals, AMS also produces a range of ultra-lightweight, portable oxygen cylinders, designed for home oxygen therapy use.

AMS medical gas cylinders offer up to 300 Bar pressure and NLL (Non-Limited Life) performance. They are produced to a wide range of recognised global standards, and hold accreditations in all major global markets, including: ISO 11119-2, UN-TPED Pi, DOT (USA) and TC (Canada).

For additional information about AMS gas cylinders for hospital and healthcare use, or to discuss your requirements, please contact us today.